HBTS: Oct. 2024
My favorite month! I love October. The weather is gorgeous, it's witchy season, it's my birthday month, hockey season starts...perfection!
Broken, but upgraded and autumnal
This October started with an injury and physical therapy to repair some damaged ligaments and tendons. As of now, I'm still struggling a bit with grip strength and some pain in certain positions, but it's definitely getting a lot better. Be careful out there, folks! Unrelated, I updated some of my office tech and wow! do I love having a real computer screen. An impromptu trip to the pumpkin patch filled my heart with all the autumnal love.
Doing history and writing books
I put up a video about women playing the flute in the 18th century and, of course, wrote up a blog post and creative piece to accompany it. I've got some new stuff around the Stamp Act protests put together and that should be coming out in early November. (Cross every damn finger.)
I'm still trudging through book edits and while at the beginning of the month I was feeling pretty bogged down by it all, recently I've been having some fun with it again. I really want to buckle down over the next six weeks or so and get it wrapped up. In this process, I have discovered that a storyline I really loved isn't working as I had intended. I'm going to finish editing and then go back and either rework or get rid of that storyline completely.
That's it for now. See ya next month.
Currently Reading: