Whoa, whoa, whoa! Am I posting again? After a rough start to the year, things seem to be settling down just a bit, at least in some areas of life. History Behind the Scenes for April hits on the following:

Looking forward to March. After a rough start to the year, and a particularly sad February (Miss you, Smooshies.) I was really looking forward to getting back on track with both the book and history work.
Editing workshop. I participated in an editing workshop that was so helpful given a bit of a mistake I've made with the book. I also got permission to do a little editing-as-I-go, which was liberating.
And then sh*t fell apart.
Regrouping. Heading into April I was able to regroup a bit with some history content focused on The Centurion. You can see that here, here, and here. I also ended up in an interesting conversation about whether or not fiction writers can (should?) write outside their identity.

Stretching my legs. I wrapped up the month with a weekend trip to the Eastern Shore to check out the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center and the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum Sea Glass Festival.
It's all here!